Keeping your employees safe!

Global mobility can be an exhilarating experience. Unfortunately, it is not immune to challenges. For example, risks to safety come in many forms, in any place around the world. They range from health concerns to natural disasters, and everything in between. Preparedness for unlikely but possible hazardous situations can be the key to safety — and to success.

Here are just a few of the International Relocation Center topics with localized advice and information that helps our users to stay safe:

Quick links –> Headlines
Orientation –> Weather forecast – link
Getting around –> Driving conditions
Health and safety –> Health guidelines and vaccinations
Health and safety –> In case of emergency
Health and safety –> Security
Everyday living –> Food safety
Country resources –> Local emergency information

Another area of the International Relocation Center that addresses safety issues is Relocation Essentials. It’s easy to reach — just click on the blue icon at the top of every page! The Security section in Relocation Essentials has information for globally mobile assignees and their families. Topics include:

Before you go abroad
Staying in contact
Planning for emergencies
Staying safe in daily life
Keeping kids safe
Identity theft
What kids should know
Security while traveling
Dealing with emergencies
Security alerts

Most of the topics above can even be printed or saved to devices in PDF format. These documents can be useful to have on hand in the event of a power failure or lack of Internet access.
Written by Erin Fitzgerald, GMS – International Content Manger