Our New Year’s Wish

‘Twas the week before New Year’sand all through the landthe stars all alignedas to some cosmic plan. With robust economiesin all jurisdictions,every household had plenty;there was no sign of friction. Good health prevailed.No disease could find purchase.Young and old glowed with life;no new illness did surface. World leaders sought onlywhat lifted their populace,and with those […] Continue reading… from Our New Year’s Wish

These boots were made for walking

For 30 years I was lucky to live in a neighborhood where I walked nearly everywhere. Our library, pharmacy, and choice of three grocery stores were all within a few blocks of home. Just over a mile away was a harbor and town park where we regularly enjoyed community events. Retail stores, restaurants, coffee shops […] Continue reading… from These boots were made for walking

Data Accuracy in an AI World

Nowadays information is everywhere, and with more and more people using AI, it can be hard to tell whether or not information has been properly vetted. While AI stands for “artificial intelligence,” AI doesn’t make decisions on its own. Instead, it’s closer to a very advanced word prediction software, making associations from common data patterns […] Continue reading… from Data Accuracy in an AI World

Is this Revolutionizing the Employee Experience?

Having just return from the WERC Global Workforce Symposium and the Forum for Expatriate Management EMEA Summit, employee experience and AI were hot topics. Currently companies are seeing a rise in non-traditional mobility, defined as international remote work and short-term business travel. The integration of technology plays a major role in shaping the employee, including […] Continue reading… from Is this Revolutionizing the Employee Experience?