Is this Revolutionizing the Employee Experience?

Having just return from the WERC Global Workforce Symposium and the Forum for Expatriate Management EMEA Summit, employee experience and AI were hot topics. Currently companies are seeing a rise in non-traditional mobility, defined as international remote work and short-term business travel. The integration of technology plays a major role in shaping the employee, including their well-being and the value they receive from wor

Employee Experience
-International remote work offers unparalleled flexibility without restriction from geographical boundaries. This provides a great opportunity to balance work and personal life by working from locations that resonate with their lifestyle and preferences.
-Short-term business travel offers employees access to new cultures, market trends, and global networks, which leads to personal growth, a global perspective, and broader business insights.

Technology Integration
-Software solutions can track, monitor, and manage an overseas assignment. These platforms can streamline administrative tasks and ensure compliance.
-Virtual collaboration tools such as Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams simplify global teamwork, overcoming time zone differences and supporting clear communication.
-Well-being apps like Headspace or Calm can ensure emotional well-being, especially in isolating or challenging environments.

Retention and Talent Attraction
-Remote international work and business travel can significantly improve employee retention by offering autonomy and unique experiences.
-In a competitive job market, non-traditional mobility can be a differentiator. Offering these opportunities can help companies attract top-tier talent.
-Experiencing diverse cultures firsthand can be transformative for employees. It develops a global mindset, enhances adaptability, and fosters innovative thinking.

Protecting Well-being and Performance
-Comprehensive onboarding, including resources on cultural nuances, business etiquette and potential challenges can ensure a more confident and prepared employee.
-Offering continuous support, whether it’s HR, mental health resources, or an international support team, keeps the employee feeling connected.
-Health and safety protocols for international travel, including appropriate insurance, are crucial for employee security.
-Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help monitor an employee’s well-being and address concerns promptly.

NASA has a unique case of non-traditional mobility, as heard on the Benivo live show, View from the Top, last week. When talking about talent acquisition, NASA receives 18,000 applications, which then gets narrowed down to 12,000 for only twelve openings! Those twelve receive a heavy dose of cultural training as NASA partners with sixteen other countries. As part of the training, U.S. astronauts go to Russia to train and vice versus. Both groups receiving language training so they can communicate when working together.

By leveraging technology and prioritizing employee experiences, businesses are transforming their operations and fostering a globally connected, rewarding workplace.

Living Abroad’s destination reports offer comprehensive support for all forms of traditional and non-traditional relocations, with a wealth of resources covering mental health, social customs, business etiquette, and cultural work styles, ensuring all bases are covered for global employees.

Written by Cathy Heyne, GMS-T, President

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