Do you have employees working remotely?

When we wrote about telecommuting a few years ago, a study by Ipsos had produced the figure that one in five employees around the globe works remotely on a frequent basis.

More recent results by Swiss-based workspace company IWG determined that 50% of the 15,000 global professionals they surveyed work remotely at least 2.5 days each week.

There are other studies and lots of data out there, all pointing to a clear trend: Flexible workspaces are becoming increasingly important to both employers and employees.

Some basic benefits include:

-Employees are more productive (fewer distractions and drains on time)
-Companies save money on real estate costs
-Employees save money on gas, wardrobe and clothing care, food (coffee, lunches out) etc.
-Employees report less stress, higher morale and lower absenteeism than in-office counterparts
-Companies experience less turnover than those with less flexibility – as much as 50% less
-Flex cultures attract millennials, with more than two-thirds of them stating a remote option positively influences their interest in a company

Telecommuting is not without its challenges, of course. Cybersecurity is a concern, especially in smaller companies that don’t have protocols or safety systems in place. Mental health is increasingly on employers’ minds, as about one-fifth of remote employees experience loneliness.

Companies embracing flexible work environments are adapting and innovating in order to keep talent while boosting their bottom line. And as this business culture becomes more the norm than the exception, it’s a benefit many job-seekers can take advantage of to strike a good work/life balance.

For further discussion on telecommuting in our original article, click here.