Voting Whilst Abroad

Ask anyone who has traveled abroad for any length of time, and you will quickly learn that relocating to a foreign country requires a colossal amount of preparation. What will your new living quarters be like? Where will your children attend school? How’s the local food? Are there any security concerns? What are the passport […] Continue reading… from Voting Whilst Abroad

Can you guess?

With countless new residential areas being built worldwide and numerous professionals flocking to major metropolitan areas across the globe, many highly populated areas have become quite congested. Can you guess which location has the highest population density per square kilometer? A. India B. Hong Kong C. Brazil D. Macau Click here for the answer! […] Continue reading… from Can you guess?

Relocating with your library of DVDs and Blu-rays (part 2)

Previously, we discussed a number of considerations for travelers who wish to relocate with their library of DVDs and Blu-rays. Increasingly, however, more and more people are casting these traditional forms of physical media aside for the convenience of streaming services. Companies such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video allow users to quickly access […] Continue reading… from Relocating with your library of DVDs and Blu-rays (part 2)

What are your entertainment options?

In the past, home entertainment for visitors in a new country typically meant watching local television, listening to local radio, and perhaps purchasing a local VCR and borrowing VHS tapes from libraries or video stores. While some countries still maintain expansive video libraries, technology has evolved, and expatriates have more options than ever for entertaining […] Continue reading… from What are your entertainment options?

Where did it start?

Football—or soccer as it is known in the United States—is often regarded as the most popular sport worldwide, and it is played and watched by passionate fans in nearly every country across the globe. The sport is so popular that nearly four billion fans tune into the FIFA World Cup, making it the most widely viewed […] Continue reading… from Where did it start?

Woof…Meow…How to have a happy traveling pet!

Safety, childcare, education, and spousal employment are all top-level concerns for relocating families, but it is also important to keep in mind the host of considerations that come along with relocating pets. These furry, scaly, or feathered family members often face their own set of immigration requirements, which can vary widely from country to country. […] Continue reading… from Woof…Meow…How to have a happy traveling pet!

Announcing our 198th destination – Guyana!

It is our pleasure to introduce our newest International Relocation Center destination: Guyana! Guyana is the fourth-smallest country on the South American mainland, and it is characterized by pristine rainforests, exotic wildlife, and a rich blend of Caribbean and South American culture. It is a melting pot of diverse cultures, and one can spot influences […] Continue reading… from Announcing our 198th destination – Guyana!

Which one is the tallest?

With spring breaks and summer vacations quickly approaching, many of us are busy planning trips and vacations. Of the many options for sightseeing opportunities, nature tourism has become increasingly popular, and perhaps no natural wonder is more captivating than a pristine, peaceful waterfall. Do you know which of the following is the world’s tallest waterfall? […] Continue reading… from Which one is the tallest?